Friday, April 15, 2011

Batch Coding

Hey everyone,
I am actually starting a kind of book (but I wouldn't get hopeful for it being published...). It's a non-fiction how-to book on batch coding.
I knew you could do different types of code on notepad, as I can do basic HTML, so I Googled
How to make a notepad game. Guess what I came up with?
Batch coding.
I quickly learnt it and started doing different things. My biggest project that I've done with batch programming is 25000 characters/4250 words/29 pages long.
Anyway, so I'm busy with the book now.

Post Later,
Carl a.k.a.(bum bum bum(drum roll))


1 comment:

  1. Your a.k.a name is three bums?.. How do you decide which one to sit on? ;)
