Saturday, April 23, 2011

QR Codes

Scan this photo with the Special Scanlife Barcode Reader on downloadable for your Blackberry.

This will explain what QR codes are.

Post later,

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Hey everyone,
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, but I have a good reason why I didn't post.
I went fishing with my friend.
Guess how many fish we caught?
0? 1? 8?

No. We caught 18 fish!

It divides into this:

Person                   Me         My Dad         My friend         My friends Dad
No. Fish caught      2                2                       2                       12

Phew. (My friends dad is an expert fisherman, so don't expect me to get more fish than him.)
(The fish were largemouth bass at the Loskop Dam)
Anyway so that took until about 2:00ish and I stayed at my friends house and we played xbox)

I got home at 6:00ish and I was bushwacked. (Tired)

So there's my reason why I didn't post.

I was sick when I went fishing and it was raining and it was 12 degrees celsius. I am even more sick...
But it was still worth it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Batch Coding

Hey everyone,
I am actually starting a kind of book (but I wouldn't get hopeful for it being published...). It's a non-fiction how-to book on batch coding.
I knew you could do different types of code on notepad, as I can do basic HTML, so I Googled
How to make a notepad game. Guess what I came up with?
Batch coding.
I quickly learnt it and started doing different things. My biggest project that I've done with batch programming is 25000 characters/4250 words/29 pages long.
Anyway, so I'm busy with the book now.

Post Later,
Carl a.k.a.(bum bum bum(drum roll))


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Buy Viva Pinata on

Buy Viva Pinata on on Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS:

Post later,
Viva Pinata Fan!

Very cheap, easy and awesome money on Viva Pinata!!!!!!!

YES!! A way to make fast and easy chocolate coins on Viva Pinata!!!
Follow these steps and you will be the richest gardener on Pinata Island.

1. Buy as many chilli seeds as you can. (Plant them, (put them in a square 3x3))
2. Use the red fertilizer 3 times and no more.
3. Don't forget to water them.
4. Sell them when they fall off. (400cc each)

I got 70 000 chocolate coins in about 30 minutes.


Bwu hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Post later....
Viva Pinata Fan

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Word Based Game

Hey everyone,
I created this word based game and I don't know how to upload a batch file so I'll do it like this:

Basically all you need to do is copy the code below paste it into notepad or notepad++ and save it as a .bat file.

@echo off
echo You are walking down an alleyway when you hear a grunt and a smash
echo inside a building.
echo What do you do?
echo 1. Walk through the open door
echo 2. Carry on as though nothing happened, because it is none of your business.
echo 3. Crouch behind a dumpster and wait for something to happen.
set /p input=
if %input% == 1 goto room2
if %input% == 1. goto room2
if %input% == walk through the door goto room2
if %input% == walk through the open door goto room2
if %input% == 2 goto room3
if %input% == 2. goto room3
if %input% == Carry on goto room3
if %input% == 3 goto room4
if %input% == 3. goto room4
if %input% == crouch goto room4
if %input% == Crouch goto room4
if %input% == crouch behind the dumpster goto room4
if %input% == Crouch behind the dumpster goto room4
echo As you walk through the open door you feel as though someon is
echo watching you. Suddenly you are knocked out by a bludgeon.
echo You are never seen again by your family.
echo Play again?
set /p playagain=
if %playagain% == yes goto start
if %playagain% == Yes goto start
if %playagain% == no exit
if %playagain% == No exit
if %playagain% == Y goto start
if %playagain% == N exit
if %playagain% == y goto start
if %playagain% == n exit
echo You arrive at your house unharmed.
echo Play again?
set /p pa99=
if %pa99% == Yes goto start
if %pa99% == yes goto start
if %pa99% == Y goto start
if %pa99% == y goto start
if %pa99% == No exit
if %pa99% == no exit
if %pa99% == N exit
if %pa99% == n exit
echo As you wait you hear more violent voices. After about 20 minutes a man
echo walks out.
echo What do you do?
echo 1. Wait for ten more minutes just to make sure that no one is in the house.
echo 2. Go inside the house.
echo 3. Walk away as if nothing happened.
set /p input2=
if %input2% == 1 goto room5
if %input2% == 1. goto room5
if %input2% == Wait goto room5
if %input2% == 2 goto room6
if %input2% == 2. goto room6
if %input2% == Go inside goto room6
if %input2% == go inside goto room6
if %input2% == Go inside the house goto room6
if %input2% == go inside the house goto room6
if %input2% == 3 goto room3
if %input2% == 3. goto room3
if %input2% == Walk away goto room3
if %input2% == walk away goto room3
if %input2% == walk goto room3
if %input2% == Walk goto room3
echo You have waited for ten minutes and nothing has happened.
echo What do you do?
echo 1. Go inside the house.
echo 2. Walk away as if nothing has happened.
set /p input3=
if %input3% == 1 goto room6
if %input3% == 1. goto room6
if %input3% == go inside the house goto room6
if %input3% == Go inside the house goto room6
if %input3% == go inside goto room6
if %input3% == Go inside goto room6
if %input3% == 2 goto room3
if %input3% == 2. goto room3
if %input3% == Walk away goto room3
if %input3% == walk away goto room3
echo You see a bloody knife but no body/victim.
echo What do you do now?
echo 1. Go upstairs.
echo 2. Take the knife.
echo 3. Back out of the house now realising that this is probably a
echo murder.
set /p input4=
if %input4% == 1 goto room7
if %input4% == 1. goto room7
if %input4% == Go upstairs goto room7
if %input4% == go upstairs goto room7
if %input4% == 2 goto room8
if %input4% == 2. goto room8
if %input4% == Take the knife goto room8
if %input4% == take the knife goto room8
if %input4% == 3 goto room3
if %input4% == 3. goto room3
if %input4% == Back out of the house goto room3
if %input4% == back out of the house goto room3
if %input4% == back out goto room3
if %input4% == Back out goto room3
echo As you walk upstairs you see blood stains on the floor.
echo What do you do?
echo 1. Scream.
echo 2. Run all the way back home.
echo 3. Continue.
set /p input5=
if %input5% == 1 goto room9
if %input5% == 1. goto room9
if %input5% == scream goto room9
if %input5% == Scream goto room9
if %input5% == 2 goto room10
if %input5% == 2. goto room10
if %input5% == Run goto room10
if %input5% == run goto room10
if %input5% == run back home goto room10
if %input5% == Run back home goto room10
if %input5% == 3 goto room11
if %input5% == 3. goto room11
if %input5% == continue goto room11
if %input5% == Continue goto room11
echo You have the knife in your hand as a police patrol officer goes by
echo the house.
echo You are accused of the crime and given 20 years for murder.
echo Play again?
set /p pa=
if %pa% == Yes goto start
if %pa% == yes goto start
if %pa% == y goto start
if %pa% == Y goto start
if %pa% == No exit
if %pa% == no exit
if %pa% == N exit
if %pa% == n exit
echo You messed up by alerting the enemy that you were there, fortunately you
echo also alerted the patrol officer.
echo But, unfortunately the murderer got you first and your body was found
echo next to the victim's.
echo Play again?
set /p pa1=
if %pa1% == Yes goto start
if %pa1% == yes goto start
if %pa1% == y goto start
if %pa1% == Y goto start
if %pa1% == no exit
if %pa1% == No exit
if %pa1% == n exit
if %pa1% == N exit
echo As you are running you are tripped by the murderer who saw you coming out
echo of the house.
echo Your body was never found.
echo Play again?
set /p pa2=
if %pa2% == Yes goto start
if %pa2% == yes goto start
if %pa2% == Y goto start
if %pa2% == y goto start
if %pa2% == No exit
if %pa2% == no exit
if %pa2% == N exit
if %pa2% == n exit
echo As you continue you see the victim's mutilated body.
echo What do you do?
echo 1. Call the police.
echo 2. Go back home
set /p input6=
if %input6% == 1 goto room12
if %input6% == 1. goto room12
if %input6% == Call the police goto room12
if %input6% == call the police goto room12
if %input6% == 2 goto room10
if %input6% == 2. goto room10
if %input6% == Go back goto room10
if %input6% == go back goto room10
if %input6% == go back home goto room10
if %input6% == Go back home goto room10
echo At first the police were suspicious of you, but when you told them your story
echo they thanked you for all you had done.
echo You were then sent for therapy after what you had seen, but you were safe.
goto welldone
echo Well done!! You survived! You now live happily with your family.
goto credits
echo ----------CREDITS----------
echo Developer: Carl Olinger
echo Programmer: Carl Olinger
echo Big boss: Carl Olinger
echo Program used to program: Notepad++
goto playagain
echo Play again?
set /p pa3=
if %pa3% == Yes goto start
if %pa3% == yes goto start
if %pa3% == Y goto start
if %pa3% == y goto start
if %pa3% == No exit
if %pa3% == no exit
if %pa3% == N exit
if %pa3% == n exit


post later

Monday, April 11, 2011


Hey everyone,
My story, the Valley of Death, has just gotten over 500 reads on!
To read the story go to this link:
The Valley of Death by Carl Olinger

post later,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Please Donate

My Business that I'm starting needs funds so I need money. Any donations will help. Please donate for my business.
The donate button is to the right.

Thank you very much!!
Your money will help me very much